The swift Screen™ Difference

Streamline your screening process in three simple steps.

1. Download

You can find Swift Screen™in both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Swift Screen™ is available to use with an annual license. 

2. Screen

Upload class rosters and input results at the point of screening. Eliminate the need for any data entry after the screening is completed. 

3. Report

Use the School Leader Dashboard to view all screening results in real time. Create individual reports, follow up with parents, and track students who need follow up care. 

Try it out!

swift Screen only takes a few minutes to set up. Download the app onto your mobile device and log into your account to start recording screening results.  

What’s Included? 

At a Glance Trends

Grade level results. Quickly identify students that may need help with follow up care.

Customizable Screening Requirements

Select which grades to screen and customize the testing requirements through the School Leader Dashboard. 

Automated Data Collection

Manage data all in one place and eliminate the need to upload information from multiple sources.

Secure Screener Login

Create password protected accounts for screeners and track individual productivity.

Add Students on Location

New student? Not a problem. Screeners can add students on location through the app.

Individual Student Reports

Search for students and create comprehensive reports for parents and health care professionals.